High School Course Catalog: Policies and Procedures

Grading Periods

Students and parents have access to progress reports and grade reports through Power School. Only semester grades and credits earned are recorded on the transcript. Students are encouraged to take the nine-week reports home to their parents.

Dropping a Subject

No student may drop a class after the second week of the class without taking an F for the semester. No student may begin a new course after the second week of any given period or semester. Any student withdrawn from a course at any time during the semester because of disciplinary problems will receive a WF for the semester and placed in the P.A.S.S. room. Exception to the above policies will require administrative approval.


Students withdrawing from TFHS/CRHS to transfer into another school district must take the following steps at least one day prior to leaving school.

1. Students must pick up a withdrawal slip from the Attendance Office, turn in all loaned books (class and library) and pay all fines.
2. Transcripts will be sent upon request to the school to which the student is transferring.
3. Students missing 10 consecutive school days without parent/guardian verification will be withdrawn from school.
4. Students who withdraw prior to the end of the semester will not be awarded semester credits.

Changing a Class

Students must register for required courses first and then select elective courses. This decision needs to be made carefully in consultation with parents, teachers, advisors, and counselors. This process allows us to provide an excellent academic program and ensure effective use of resources. Therefore, the changing of classes is discouraged unless one of the following conditions exists:

1. Course change is made to meet graduation requirements.
2. Student does not have the required prerequisite for the course.
3. Repeating a course by error.
4. Student failed the class previously with assigned instructor.
5. Teacher recommendation.

High School Athletic Eligibility Policy

To be eligible to participate in athletics, a student must follow the guidelines laid out in Policy 3381.

Please visit the TFSD policy manual for more information: