Dual Immersion

Dual Immersion is a general education program that offers a rich bilingual experience for learners when their minds are developmentally best able to acquire a second language. This program is housed at Bickel Elementary School.


What does Dual Language Immersion look like in the TFSD?

  • Classes include students who are both native English and native Spanish speakers.  

  • The program will include 50/50 instruction in both English and Spanish for students in K-5 each day.  

    • We will be accepting Kindergarten and first-grade students for the 2025-2026 school year.

  • Elementary instruction is divided between two high-quality, creative classrooms: one in English and one in Spanish. Students begin the day with instruction in one language and then change teachers during the day for instruction in the other language, with equal time in each language.

Benefits of Dual Immersion (over multiple years)

  • Research has shown that dual immersion students outperform monolingual peers in reading, writing, math, and science. 

  • Second Language Skills:  Students will leave the program bi-literate (English and Spanish).

  • Dual Immersion students typically develop greater cognitive (thinking) flexibility, demonstrating increased attention control, better memory, superior problem-solving skills, and enhanced understanding of their primary language. 

  • Dual  Immersion students are more aware of and generally show more positive attitudes and empathy towards other cultures and an appreciation of other people.

  • Dual Immersion students better serve their community through stronger competitiveness within the job market. 

Things You Need to Know!

  • The lottery for this program will take place in June.

  • In order for your student to be considered for the lottery, you must attend one of the two Parent Meetings so that we can ensure all participants have a good understanding of the program requirements.

  • Information about the lottery process can be found in the TFSD Dual Language Immersion Parent Handbook.

How do I enroll my student in the Dual Immersion Program?

Dual Immersion enrollment opens each spring. Interested parents should attend one of two Parent Meetings and complete the Dual Immersion Student Application Form.