
New Cell Phone Policy

As we prepare for the upcoming school year, we want to inform you about an important new policy regarding the use of personal electronic communication devices at school. The TFSD School Board adopted policy 3735 at the end of last school year in an effort to address student academic engagement and mental health.


New Policy Overview:

Starting in the 2024-25 school year, the Twin Falls School District (TFSD) will prohibit the use of personal electronic communication devices during the school day. This policy is being implemented to minimize distractions, ensure a safe learning environment, and support students' emotional well-being and academic growth.


Key Points of the Policy:

  • Prohibited Devices: The policy applies to all personal electronic communication devices, including cell phones, smartwatches, earbuds, headphones, and similar items. District-issued devices or approved devices for educational use are exempt. Devices must be completely silenced and out of sight, stored in a backpack, bag, or locker, and not on the student’s person.
  • High School Exception: High school students may use their devices during lunch periods.
  • Disciplinary Actions: Devices that are visible or make a notification during the school day will be confiscated. On the first offense, the device can be retrieved by the student at the end of the day. For subsequent offenses, a parent or guardian must collect the device from the office. If a student continues to violate policy 3735, there will be further consequences according to the school's progressive discipline policy which can include suspension.


Communication During School Hours:


  • Parents needing to contact their child during the school day should call the school’s front office. School personnel will ensure the message is conveyed to the student.
  • Students needing to contact their parents may request to use a phone under the supervision of school staff.




Exceptions for health-related needs or other specific circumstances can be requested through the school administration.


We understand that this change may require adjustments for both students and parents. We have prepared a webpage and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document to address common concerns and provide further clarity on the new policy.


Our goal with this policy is to foster a more focused and supportive educational environment for all students. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work together to enhance the learning experience at TFSD.